Schools FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Lala The Great is a virtual world made for kids of all ages to learn about the world, cultures, music, languages, social skills and problem solving. The platform is built for elementary and middle school students.

The virtual world is modeled on our real world. There are many cities and countries you can visit and other special locations. In Phase 1 there are over 40 places to visit with new places to be released every month.

Currently the platform runs on PC, IOS, Android and Chromebooks. 

Schools, teachers, parents, homeschool or play by yourself are all encouraged and supported. We believe in exploring as a way to encourage learning. Schools have additional options to log in on private channels or connect with other schools around the world for fully engaged learning.

We believe in privacy and data protection. We only collect what is necessary for the  game to run and improve performance. We take kids protection seriously and have implemented safe chat, monitors and self reporting systems to track bad behavior.

Can Teachers design their own quests for students in the world?
Yes! We can provide outlines of all the quests and Teacher can select the paths they want to follow.

Individuals can connect for a monthly subscription fee. Schools can connect by classroom for a monthly subscription fee. Contact us for more information. 

In Lala the Great, schools can choose where in the world they want to visit based on a lesson plan or other criteria. It’s up to you on how best to customize the platform to get the most out of it.

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